The Office of International Affairs and Linkages support Mindanao State University at Naawan's vision to become an internationally recognized university in research and education in the Philippines
Increase student's competitiveness for international mobility.
Foster inbound and outbound professorships and trainings.
Leverage local resources to provide a global learning experience.
Produce collaborative researches.
Partner with international universities and industries for sustainable technologies and initiatives.
Establish joint or dual programs
Effective communication with international partners to increase the visibility of international engagements.
Increase number of international partners

Student Exchange Program with Can Tho University Students

MOU Signing Between MSUN and Kasetsart University, Thailand

Development of Academic and Exchange Programs among Universities in the Philippines and Turkey
MSUN Chancellor, Dr. Elnor Roa; Vice Chancellor for Research and Extension, Prof. Renoir Abrea; Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, Assoc. Prof. Gergie Ambato, and; Director for International Affairs, Dr. Rey Capangpangan, are in Turkey for an Education Mission and collaboration >> Read more here
Within the scope of "YÖK Turkey-Philippines Universities Forum 2022", an agreement was signed between 6 universities, including Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University (ÇOMÜ) and 7 universities from the Philippines >> Read more here