MSU Naawan partners with Turkish Universities
Currently, MSUN Chancellor, Dr. Elnor Roa; Vice Chancellor for Research and Extension, Prof. Renoir Abrea; Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, Assoc. Prof. Gergie Ambato, and; Director for International Affairs, Dr. Rey Capangpangan, are in Turkey for an Education Mission and collaboration. They will be visiting different Turkish Universities for potential partnerships and collaboration.
Their trip has been very fruitful thus far-- they have visited the Philippine Embassy in Turkey, joined them during the flag-raising ceremony, and discussed matters for their visit, and signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Turkish partner universities.
The Memorandum of Understanding was signed with all the Philippine and Turkish partner universities at the office of the Council of Higher Education (YOK), Ankara, Turkey. The signing was done with MSUN Chancellor, Dr. Elnor C. Roa; the Vice President of the Turkish Council of Higher Education (YOK), Prof. Dr. H. Haldun Goktaş; and the Philippine Ambassador to Turkey, Ambassador Maria Elena P. Algabre. Each participating university signed an MOU with all six (6) partner Turkish universities, resulting to a number of six partnerships per university.
The project "Development of Academic Exchange Programs among Universities in the Philippines and Turkey" aims to promote academic exchange programs with disciplines related to fisheries; build capability of faculty and researchers in the said field; develop collaborative and integrative research projects; and develop appropriate joint, dual, double or by-research degree programs. This project is not possible without the help of the Commission on Higher Education (CHED). Thank you very much, Commission on Higher Education(CHED), for giving us this great opportunity.

Development of Academic Exchange Programs among Universities in the Philippines and Turkey
funded by CHED-LAKAS